Friday, February 2, 2007

I love me some SKYPE

Me and Skype have been best friends for a few months now. I hurry home from work to log on to my Mac and see what Skype has to offer. Skype can make my day or it can put me in a sour mood for the rest of the night. If you have never been introduced to my friend, click here and you'll see why I love it. So many people to see and talk to around the world! Oh, but I really only want to see a certain Skype member and I think everyone can guess who that is (picture is of Adam, my niece Cassie and me counting down the New Year---even though it was really 8:00am in Baghdad for him). Recently, I have been trying to recruit everyone I know to get a login id, not just to webcam with me, but to webcam with Adam. It is amazing that I have a better phone connection with Adam while he is in Baghdad than I ever did when he was in New Jersey!