I was bound and determined that Adam and I would dress up for Halloween this year. We haven't been that great at dressing up and I thought if we are going to do it---we are going all out. So, I tried to think of the most ridiculous costume and ended up making these beauties:
Go Oompa Loompas! This was the most unflattering piece of clothing I have ever worn (this may be because they were made by yours truly). It has taken me so long to post these pictures because I wasn't sure if I wanted anyone on the net to see us looking this way--but, who cares right? Hopefully this made your day...you're welcome.
I love the costumes...you did a great job! And by the way, we all know what a gorgeous lady is under that costume. Glad you shared them!
Did you see us as the Flintstones, Mike had to wear a dress :)
Thanks for dimeing be out Kiersten...Anyway, I do have to agree with my wife that those are GREAT costumes (very creative and well done). Hope you two are settled in well out there!
By far the best costumes I have seen in a long while!!!! Way too go!
Yes indeed...you made my day!! I LOVE the costumes! How on Earth did you get Adam to wear that? Brian would have laughed in my face and then run the other way! AWESOME!!!
Katie you have so many skills! -I didn't know you could sew. I'm really impressed. Good job!
I'm sorry....what?? You MADE those costumes? What have you done with my friend, Katie? 'Cause the Katie I knew didn't re-do furniture and sew her own Halloween costumes (unless they're out of cardboard and in the shape of an M&M...remember that year?).
But, seriously, Katie....can you please try a little harder not to put the rest of us to shame? It's getting ridiculous. It was already bad enough with you kicking everyone's butt in school and always being the interesting, beautiful one. Now, I am starting to wonder if you grind your own wheat and bake it into bread now, too? You go, girl.
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